Philip K. Dick Festival 2019

Philip K. Dick Festival 2019Fans and experts from around the world will meet again in Fort Morgan, Colorado to celebrate Philip K. Dick and his work on August 9th through August 11th for the 2019 Philip K. Dick Festival. This is the second festival. The first one was held in the same location two years ago in 2017.

This location has been selected because Fort Morgan is the final resting place of Philip K. Dick and his fraternal twin sister, Jane.

To see a preliminary program and other useful information go to:

Facebook event page:

To aid in bringing speakers and entertainers to the Festival an ambitious GoFundMe campaign was started.

The Philip K. Dick Festival is sponsored by Morgan County Tourism

Hosted by Precious Artifacts: A Philip K. Dick Bibliography:

PKD Day 2017: Philip K. Dick and Vast Narrative

PKD DayThe second PKD Day to be held at Birmingham City University, Saturday, April 22nd, 2017.

This one-day, interdisciplinary conference will seek to explore the contours of the Dickian vast narrative, examining whether it is fair to talk about a Dick-iverse that is neither connected by narrative continuity (like Lord of the Rings) nor the repetition of characters and situations (like Marvel or DC comics). Furthermore, this provides the opportunity to explore how creators, commentators, industry and fans compete over the canonicity of different interpretations of Dick.

We welcome proposals for twenty minute presentations from both creative and academic practitioners, and from undergraduates, postgraduates, researchers and established scholars. Please send 300-word proposals to Thomas Knowles and Terence Sawyers by the end of March 12th 2017.

More information is included on the Philip K. Dick Festival website.

Philip K. Dick Honored In Orange Country, California [Updated]

Radio Free AlbemuthThe Mayor, City Council and Orange Country Film Fiesta (Facebook Page) are honoring their one-time resident, Philip K. Dick, with the proclamation of September 14, 2013, as “Philip K. Dick Day”.

The writer/director John Alan Simon of Radio Free Albemuth has been invited to commemorate the occasion with a special free screening at the Fiesta Twin Theatre at 7 p.m.- and Question and Answer Session with writer/director John Alan Simon afterwards.

There will also be a Philip K. Dick Tribute and panel on Philip K. Dick.


Here is a photo of the proclamation for Philip K. Dick Day:

Proclamation for Philip K. Dick Day


{A big thank you to the moderators of the Radio Free Albemuth Facebook page for this news.}

Attendee Reports from the Conference at TU Dortmund University, Germany

Thanks to for two posts from attendees of the Dortmund University Philip K. Dick conference.

Umberto Rossi Reflects on Dortmund PKD Conference (with pics!)

Erik Davis Recalls Dortmund PKD Conference, Totally

Conference Information

Worlds Out of Joint: Re-Imagining Philip K. Dick
Worlds Out of Joint: Re-Imagining Philip K. Dick

An International Conference from November 15-18, 2012 at TU Dortmund University, Germany


The 2012 Philip K. Dick Festival Experience [Updated]

2012 Philip K. Dick FestivalThe history page on the site for the 2012 Philip K. Dick Festival has been updated with everything that I could find.

If you have anything you would like to share, please email philipkdickfestival[at]gmail[dot]com. Feel free to send photos, links, videos, write ups or anything else you think other fans would like to see. For photo and videos, I would like to be able to write a caption of some sort to provide context for the images so if you can provide a description or a few words, that would be great.

You also may be able to post items to the festival’s Facebook page timeline or tag the festival’s page in photos. I’m not an expert on Facebook so if you’re feeling adventurous, give it a shot and if it doesn’t work, I can remove any errors.

The Philip K. Dick Film Festival Coming Soon

Philip K. Dick Film Festival If you plan on attending The Philip K. Dick Film Festival and haven’t made arrangements, you will need to act fast. The film festival is December 7,8, and 9 in Brooklyn, New York. The schedule of films and events is located here and I believe that it is a finalized schedule. Tickets can be purchased for individual movies, film festival days or the entire three day festival. Of particular interest to Philip K. Dick fans, Radio Free Albemuth will be showing on Friday, December 7, 2012 from 7:30 PM to 9:15 PM (EST). Tickets are avialble here. Also showing are three other films that are about adaptions of Philip K. Dick’s work or are about Philip K. Dick: Beyond the Door, No Relation, and Meddlers. There are also many other films that would be of interest to fans of Philip K. Dick. In addition, the festival has organized discussion panels including Philip K Dick, HP Lovecraft and The New Consciousness in which John Alan Simon, the director of Radio Free Albemuth, will be speaking.

Other Upcoming Philip K. Dick Gatherings

There are two upcoming festivals/conferences for Philip K. Dick fans:

Worlds Out of Joint: Re-Imagining Philip K. Dick

Worlds Out of Joint: Re-Imagining Philip K. Dick

An International Conference from November 15-18, 2012 at TU Dortmund University, Germany




The Philip K. Dick Film Festival

December 7-9, 2012 at Indiescreen, Williamsburg, Brooklyn, NY


The 2012 Philip K. Dick Festival Was A Success!

2012 Philip K. Dick FestivalThanks to everyone who attended the 2012 Philip K. Dick Festival in San Francisco on Sept 22-23. You helped make the festival a big success! Looking forward to Southern California in 2014.

I am creating a history page on the site for the 2012 Philip K. Dick Festival similar to the one for the 2010 festival: In addition I would like to post or share as many of the pictures, videos, presentations, reports, articles, etc. from the festival on the Facebook page ( During and immediately after the festival, there was so much that I saw posted or shared that I was overwhelmed and I would like to capture as much of that as possible.

If you have anything you would like to share, please email philipkdickfestival[at]gmail[dot]com. Feel free to send photos, links, videos, write ups or anything else you think other fans would like to see. For photo and videos, I would like to be able to write a caption of some sort to provide context for the images so if you can provide a description or a few words, that would be great.

You also may be able to post items to the festival’s Facebook page timeline or tag the festival’s page in photos. I’m not an expert on Facebook so if you’re feeling adventurous, give it a shot and if it doesn’t work, I can remove any errors.

The Philip K. Dick Film Festival Announced

A fan based film festival is being organized in New York City called the Philip K. Dick Film Festival to take place November 9 – 11, 2012 in honor of Philip K. Dick’s fantastic legacy in Science Fiction and philosophy. This is a not for profit operation. The goal to show good films inspired by Philip K. Dick, Franz Kafka, Ray Bradbury, Arthur C. Clarke, Jorge Luis Borges and other writers of the metaphysical.

There will be several shorts adapted from Philip K. Dick works (all taken from public domain stories) and a one documentary featuring his son Chris. The festival will have films from other Science Fiction writers/directors as well.

The web site is

Call for Papers: Worlds Out of Joint: Re-Imagining Philip K. Dick

An International Conference from 15-18 November, 2012 at TU Dortmund University, Germany

2012 sees the thirtieth anniversary of the untimely death, at the age of 53, of Philip K. Dick – a figure whose cultural impact within and beyond science fiction remains difficult to overestimate. Dick’s academic and popular reputation continues to grow, as a number of recent monographs, several biographies and an unceasing flow of film adaptations testify. Yet while his status as “The Most Brilliant Sci-Fi Mind on Any Planet” (Paul Williams) is rarely questioned, scholarly criticism of Dick has not kept pace with recent developments in academia – from transnationalism to adaptation studies, from the cultural turn in historiography to the material turn in the humanities. Too often Dick remains shrouded in clichés and myth. Indeed, rarely since the seminal contributions of Fredric Jameson and Darko Suvin have our engagements with Dick proved equal to the complexity of his writing – an oeuvre indebted to the pulps and Goethe, Greek philosophy and the Beats – that calls for renewed attempts at a history of popular culture. The aim of this conference is to contribute to such an undertaking.

At a time when mass protest against irrational economic, political and cultural orders is once again erupting around the world, the Dortmund conference will return to one of the major figures of the long American Sixties: to an author whose prophetic analyses of biopolitical capitalism and the neo-authorian surveillance state remain as pertinent as they were 30 years ago.

Confirmed keynote speakers: Marc Bould (University of the West of England, Bristol), Roger Luckhurst (Birbeck, University of London) and Norman Spinrad (New York/Paris).

Possible topics for panels and papers include but are in no way limited to:


  • The Realist Novels: What do Dick’s early realist novels add to our understanding of his work? In what relation do they stand to late modernist and realist U.S. literature? Can they be understood as Beat writing?
  • Transnational Approaches: Dick drew on various European and non-European cultures, and his SF worlds are highly transnational in their hybridity: What cultural transfers and transformations are evident in his work?
  • Dick’s Global Reception: Dick’s fiction has been widely translated – from Portuguese to Japanese, from Finnish to Hebrew. Yet we know little about his global reception. How has Dick’s work been read abroad, and transformed in translation? What has been his impact on SF outside America?
  • Dick and the SF Tradition: Critics have rarely engaged in-depth with Dick’s contribution to SF. What is Dick’s debt to the pulp magazines, to Robert Heinlein, A. E. van Vogt, or other SF authors? To what extent did Dick influence his contemporaries, and what does today’s SF owe to him?
  • Dick and Fandom: Long before his canonization as a literary figure, Dick was a cult author, and he retains a committed fan base. How has fandom shaped the way we read him? What role does Dick play in SF cultures of fandom today?
  • Narrative Structures and Aesthetics: Dick’s short fiction and novels are linked by common motifs, tropes and fictional devices. How do they shape his writing? His status as a popular writer has also meant that the aesthetic dimension of Dick’s fiction has often been neglected. How can it help us understand his work?
  • Dick and Mainstream Literature: Dick’s impact on ‘serious’ literature has often been posited but rarely analyzed. What do Thomas Pynchon, Kurt Vonnegut or David Foster Wallace owe to Dick? What role have his writings played in the integration of SF into mainstream literature?
  • Adaptations: What makes Dick’s writing so attractive to filmmakers? How have these visual narratives changed our understanding of his work? Should we pay more attention to adaptations to other media – from opera to computer games?
  • The Letters and Journals: How do Dick’s letters and journals, as well as interviews with him change our understanding of his fiction?
  • The Final Novels: Dick’s late novels are gaining increasing attention, but critical evaluations vary widely. Are they evidence of a spiritual turn in Dick’s writing? How do they allow us to look at his work of the 1960s anew?
  • Dick and the Sixties: Recent scholarship drastically has changed our understanding of the Sixties. Does this necessitate a re-writing of Dick? What can we learn from the contradictions and achievements that shaped this era and Dick’s writing?
  • Dick and Global Capitalism: How do Dick’s analyses of global capitalism, mediatized politics and individualized consumer culture correspond to our own present?

Please send an abstract of no more than 500 words and a short biographical sketch to Stefan[dot]Schlensag[at]udo[dot]edu before 29 February 2012. Presenters will be asked to submit a full version of their 20-minute presentation by 31 August, and an electronic reader will be distributed before the conference to all participants. A selection of the papers given at the conference will be published in book form.

Conference Organizers:

Walter Grünzweig, Randi Gunzenhäuser, Sybille Klemm, Stefan Schlensag, Florian Siedlarek, (TU Dortmund University); Alexander Dunst (University of Potsdam) and Damian Podleśny (Krakow)

Conference Director and Contact:

Stefan Schlensag
Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik
TU Dortmund University
Emil-Figge-Straße 50
D-44227 Dortmund, Germany

2012 Philip K. Dick Festival

Philip K. Dick in 21st Century

The Largest Gathering of PKD Scholars and Fans Ever Assembled in North America, A Multi-disciplinary Celebration of the Legendary California Writer

2012 Philip K. Dick FestivalPhilip K. Dick is arguably one of the most important writers of the 21st century. Dick’s uncanny prescience not only foretold of our current surveillance technology and color-coded terror, but additionally captured the narcissism and psychological withdrawal that defines the early part of this new century. Considered at the time of his death to be little more than a genre writer, Dick’s burgeoning literary reputation was kindled by a handful of fans and scholars. With his recent canonization in the prestigious Library of America and the 2011 publication of Dick’s esoteric religious notes, The Exegesis, now is the time to examine Dick’s influence and how he became such an important literary figure. The Bay Area, home to Dick for the majority of his lifetime, is also the perfect location for the event, allowing fans and scholars to step into Dick’s own past and retrace his steps in this vibrant city by the bay. Sept 22-23, 2012 will be a weekend long celebration and examination of Dick’s life and work.

The conference’s guest of honor will be none other than Jonathan Lethem, the editor for Philip K Dick’s three volumes from the prestigious Library of America, an editor of The Exegesis of Philip K Dick (from Houghton Mifflin), and a celebrated novelist in his own right. Lethem currently holds the Roy E. Disney Chair in Creative Writing at Pomona College and his writing about Philip K Dick appears in his essay collections The Disappointment Artist, and The Ecstasy of Influence.

Other confirmed guests include: Pam Jackson (Editor, Philip K Dick’s Exegesis), Erik Davis (Annotations Editor for the recent publication of The Exegesis), John Simon (director of Radio Free Albemuth), Sam Umland (Chair of English Department at University of Nebraska Kearney and author of Contemporary Critical Interpretations: Philip K Dick), Douglas Mackey (author of Philip K Dick, Twayne’s United States Author Series), Umberto Rossi (independent scholar and author of The Twisted Worlds of Philip K Dick), Marc Haefele (an Assistant Editor at Doubleday who worked with Philip K Dick on his masterpiece novels Ubik and Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?), William Sarill (a longtime friend of Philip K Dick who helped Dick develop the religious system in his novel A Maze of Death), and many, many more.

Stay tuned for more information about the schedule and lodging in San Francisco. If you are interested in either presenting or attending, please contact conference organizer, David Gill: dcgill[at]sfsu[dot]edu. We are currently looking for speakers to give cogent and plain-spoken presentations on the following aspects of Dick’s life and work:

  1. Biographical
  2. Literary Criticism
  3. Science Fiction
  4. Cinematic Translations
  5. Sociology and Psychology
  6. Religion and Philosophy